How to handle weird interview questions
- Last updated 09 Dec 2016

Job interviews are nerve-wracking for anyone, and being hit with a curveball question can totally throw you off your game. To prepare for this CV-Library told us the weirdest questions they’ve heard, and gave us the inside knowledge on how to handle them.
What cartoon character best reflects your personality?
Why are you being asked? The interviewer wants to know about your personality and how you react to unexpected situations.
How to answer? This is a perfect opportunity for you to turn a ‘silly’ question into a sales point for yourself. Relate the character to someone who boasts your key strengths and qualities.
How do you rate me as an interviewer?
Why are you being asked? The interviewer wants to see how you handle being put on the spot.
How to answer? Don’t make it personal. Avoid emotional responses or feelings and focus on facts. Detail aspects of the interview that have been productive and compliment them.
How would you split up a fist fight?
Why are you being asked? The interviewer is asking you to demonstrate how you handle conflicts.
How to answer? Keep it relevant to the job role, and focus on the positive attributes of both parties and how you could encourage them to work well together.
If you won the lottery, what would you do?
Why are you being asked? The interviewer wants to see how you measure the value of money.
How to answer? Your answer should demonstrate that, while money is important, it’s not the be-all and end-all, and that you have other more important motivations within your job role.
Top Tip: DO NOT say you’d quit work!
In a news story about your life, what's the headline?
Why are you being asked? The interviewer wants to gain insight into your outlook on life and overall attitude.
How to answer? Be clear and concise, summarise the key points in one short sentence. Make sure you portray a positive side of you – future employers don’t want to bring on negative staff.
Prepare as best you can and remain professional through any difficult questions. If things don’t go your way during an interview, then use the negative experience as a learning opportunity – it could make your next interview that much better!
Read more:
What questions should I ask at a job interview?
5 essential practice interview questions
Image courtesy of Tim Gouw
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