What Grades should School Leaver Programme Candidates have?


The grades expected of school leavers depends on the position they are being recruited to, and what degree / qualification they will be studying alongside work.  Some require a high standard at A-level, others just some solid GCSEs.

If a particular subject is important this can obviously be flagged in the entry requirements, for example: “240 UCAS points including a B or above in A-level Maths”.

To help you decide the level of your school leaver programme entry requirements, here is a range of programmes with their different requirements:

Mazars – Accounting School Leaver Programme: At least 280 UCAS points (achieved in the same academic year, from the student’s best three A-levels and excluding General Studies). Grade B or above in GCSE English Language and Maths.

Pret A Manger – School Leaver Programme: GCSE Maths & English at A* to C grade.

EY – School Leaver Programme: Grade B or higher in GCSE Maths and English Language. Predicted 300 (UCAS points from three A-levels or equivalent (not including General Studies or A2 re-sits).

PwC – Assurance School Leaver Programme: At least 280 (or equivalent) UCAS points.

Laing O’Rourke – Cadet School Leaver Programme: At least 240 (or equivalent UCAS points.

Deloitte – Audit School Leaver Programme: GCSEs (or equivalent) in Maths grade B or above, and English Language grade C or above. At least 280 UCAS predicted points.

Read more:

What skills should an apprentice have?

Choosing a sponsored degree candidate

Recruiting school leavers? We can help