What Events can Companies run with Schools?
- Working with Schools
- Last updated 10 Jan 2020

AllAboutSchoolLeavers research shows that over 90% of teachers want employers to offer careers talks and workshops. They are also keen to hear about opportunities like work shadowing (over 88%) and days out of school/college at employers’ offices (over 79%).
And from a statutory perspective, schools are expected to work in partnership with local employers and other education and training providers like colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers.
What events do schools need?
Every school should engage fully with their local professional community to ensure real-world connections with employers are at the centre of careers guidance. Different interventions will work for different schools and pupils, and could include:
- Mentoring and coaching
- Sending speakers from the organisation into schools to lead discussions and assemblies
- Workplace visits and work experience placements
- Work ‘taster’ events such as games and competitions
- Careers fairs and career networking events
- Access to open days at further and higher education institutions
- Access to creative online resources and labour market intelligence
- Help with basic career management skills like CV writing, CV building, job searches and job interviews
Employers can demonstrate the opportunities available and advise young people on how to access them. They can explain the skills needed, and where pupils should be prepared for a level of competition in gaining access to courses or employment.
The stats
Evidence from the Education and Employers Taskforce shows that access to a network of employers is associated with better outcomes for young people. Employers can pass on the benefits of their experience to both pupils and teachers, helping to link curriculum subjects to employment and providing an overview of the different routes into careers.
However, According to AllAboutSchoolLeavers research, most teachers (40.3%) have less than £500 to spend on careers guidance events, workshops and face-to-face initiatives, so organisations should be prepared to do these for little or no initial recompense.