
It’s National Apprenticeship Week? No. Way.

  • 11 Mar 2013

Roll out the celebratory banners! Unleash the party balloons!  It’s National Apprenticeship Week 2013! Whilst it might not have you leaping up in joy, it’s a pretty important week. Apprenticeships are all the rage, and for good reason too. Good quality apprenticeships can set school leavers up for a fantastic career, giving you vital skills and qualifications to kickstart your working life.



We’ve put together a bunch of useful stuff to help you learn more about apprenticeships.

The basics…

If you’re confused about what an apprenticeship is, here are some nuts and bolts articles on apprenticeship basics. Have a read. 

1. What is an Apprenticeship?

2. Intermediate Apprenticeships

3. Advanced Apprenticeships

4. Higher Apprenticeships

5. Types of Apprenticeship

A little bit of fun…

If you want a little amuse bouche (bite sized bits of food that posh restaurants might serve in between courses) to cleanse your palate, take a look at these fun (with a capital “F”…) features on AllAboutCareers.com:

Top 10 most unusual apprenticeships

Which celebrities were apprentices?

For teachers…

To celebrate National Apprenticeship Week, we’ve put together some resources mainly for teachers, but parents might find them useful too. Click on the links to download the PDF. The first is an information pack covering the essentials you need to know about apprenticeships, school leaver programmes and sponsored degree programmes,  the second a case study pack.

Information Pack: Apprenticeship, School Leaver Programmes and Sponsored Degree Schemes

Case Study Pack: Apprenticeships


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