Record Numbers of Apprenticeships Confirmed
- 04 Dec 2013
Nearly 870,000 people were on an apprenticeship scheme in 2012/13, recently published statistics have shown, with Advanced and Higher Apprenticeships hitting record figures.
Higher apprenticeship numbers have reached a record high this year, with a rise of 19% for apprentices on Advanced level schemes. There are now nearly 380,000 people on an Advanced Apprenticeship.
Skills and Enterprise Minister Matthew Hancock said: “These figures show that a record 868,700 people were in apprenticeships last year, which is up 77 per cent on 2009/10. I am also pleased to see that there were 13,000 people in higher apprenticeships last year, which is double the previous year’s figure.”
“This is good news for the economy, and good news for those getting the skills they need to prosper. I want the new norm for people leaving school or college to either go to university or choose an apprenticeship. By focusing on the quality and rigour that people and employers want from apprenticeships, this will make the vision a reality.”
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