QA Apprenticeships’ exam season guide: how to beat the pressure
- Emma Finamore
- 24 Apr 2017
We got expert advice from training providers QA Apprenticeships, to help you prepare for those dreaded tests.

Exam season is looming and instead of being able to chill out, you find yourself being pulled back by revision and pressure of exams – right? Don’t fear, there are a few things you can do to ensure you don’t crack under the pressure, because, let’s face it: who wants wrinkles before 18?
1. Plan your time
To organise your busy schedule, create a timetable to help map out what subjects you need to revise for and when. If you decide to start revising at 10am, be strict with yourself and stick to it – but remember to also schedule time to yourself to either socialise or take a little break every hour. You’ll thank yourself after you get the exam results you really worked for.
2. Have a revision technique
Having a revision technique that works for you is a tried and tested method of acing your exams! An example of a technique that works with most people is making notes in class so that when you reach home, you can read over them and re-write them all neatly into a second notepad. Doing this will help you get those facts to stick in your brain and hopefully identify any gaps of knowledge for you to improve.
3. Test yourself
Training your brain by testing your knowledge and memory is a great way to find out what things you need to revise on a little more before the all-important exams. The best way to ensure the information has entered your brain is by answering questions (no cheating) and marking them to get a realistic result.
Having a revision technique that works for you is a tried and tested method of acing your exams! An example of a technique that works with most people is making notes in class so that when you reach home, you can read over them and re-write them all neatly into a second notepad.
4. Get sleep the night before
It’s all and well to take a break from the books but if you are getting little to no sleep, you may find this impacts your performance and memory. If you are thinking about going out, as mellow as it sounds, try to go out during the day so that you are not tempted to have any late nights. Remember you have control over your future and there will always be other nights to go out – so save them until after your exams are over.
5. Keep your options open
Following these handy tips will help you master your revision techniques and ace your exams, however, it’s also a good idea to keep other options in mind. We take applications all year for conditional apprenticeship offers, in the digital and tech industry. The roles vary from IT Software Developers to Digital Marketing Assistants – there's something for everyone!
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