Boots joins pharmacy employers to propose pharmacist apprenticeships
- Emma Finamore
- 18 Apr 2019
They're proposing a five-year pharmacist apprenticeship scheme.
Boots and Well are among a group of at least 10 pharmacy employers that have proposed pharmacist apprenticeships.
The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education – an employer-led public body not affiliated with a government department – launched a 10-day consultation on proposals for a five-year pharmacist apprenticeship scheme, which closed on 14 April.
However the group said the proposal is “still in the early exploratory stages of consultation and no decisions have been taken” regarding its long-term viability.
Boots told C+D website that it is a member of the group “along with a number of other pharmacy organisations” who are “together looking into a pharmacy apprenticeship proposal”.
The group said the proposal is “still in the early exploratory stages of consultation and no decisions have been taken” regarding its long-term viability.
The Institute for Apprenticeships said Superdrug helped develop the proposals and that the group “has the support of major organisations across the sector” including “a number of NHS trusts”.
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