Careers services: what you should get at school
- Last updated 18 Aug 2016

To make sure you make the most out of what’s on offer at school, here’s what your teachers and careers advisers should be providing.
Don’t be afraid to ask at school if you’re not sure you are getting everything on this list, you’re within your rights to do so!
The Education Act 2011 says schools must provide “access to independent careers guidance for their pupils” which breaks down in the following ways:
1. Schools must present information an impartial, unbiased manner, and include information on the full range of post-16 education or training options, such as apprenticeships.
2. Schools should work with external and expert careers guidance providers (so people that don’t work at the school) to ensure pupils get good advice on the full range options.
3. Schools should meet the costs of provision from their overall budgets, including the pupil premium – you shouldn’t have to pay for anything.
4. Schools should give information on every option, without bias, on the range of education and training options that are most likely to help young people – that’s you! - achieve their ambitions. For example, you should never be told apprenticeships aren’t good enough for you, or that the only “right” choice is university.
5. Schools should provide information via a range of platforms: an individual or group basis, face-to-face or web-based.
Read more:
How important is work experience?
Apprenticeship advice
School leaver advice
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